Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thirteen years has made a tradition
Of itchy shirts and eyes cast down
Of umbrella hair and thick underpants
Of pencil shavings and cheese-and-jam-sandwiches
Of fingers jammed in the hinges of smiling faces.

I stand in the centre of a football field
I am patted on the head
I am told to stand up straight
I am asked to catch the ball
I am hit in the face, the face.

Trumpets cry and spit at me
The cymbals rock and hiss
Creating the perfect cadence
Into sweet, sweet loneliness.


Questionable said...

i'll give you love... or the target lady will anyway.
there is allusion in this to miss clancy and the fridge, i know you. better then you know yourself...

Life in a Glass House said...

Sort of intentional. I haven't read much Sylvia, but I love what I have...I guess I just adopt styles that I like sometimes. I write prose too, but I find poetry comes more easily.
Not as easily as it seems to come to you! You are a truly brilliant writer, I'm in awe.
And I am pretty sure I don't know you...ever thought about the percentage of people on the planet you actually know? It just crossed my mind today, then I stopped thinking because I don't like maths. Ahem, I've strayed.
Lovely to (cyber)meet you.