Tuesday, August 07, 2007

If I were to spray my face
With Windex, to taste the tingle
To burn my throat and
Seize every pore open with his blue fury,
Would I cry?

The answer is similar but not the same as to this query:
Why do I smile at people
I’d much rather kick in the eye?

The fabric around the ankles- soggy…

The tragic flaw, the tragic floor
We fell straight through!
And now lie writhing, twitching, blind
Like sad old dogs
In the muck and the mire.

I don’t have time for this
You don’t have time for this

We should be swallowing those big words
As quickly and painlessly as Panadol

Become the Anti-heroes of the Anti-chance
Or, even better-
Anorexics, Anagramrexics.

Et al.

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