Dreamt: 15.7.07
So. I was going to work, quite ordinarily. But instead of my usual daily requirements of stirring pots of risotto and shining glass, I was expected to walk neck-deep into these newly installed suspended mud pits.
Once I was inside the pit I realised I was not alone- several full grown pigs were in there too, obscured by the mud, but warm and wriggling and brushing against my flesh as gently as excited children might. My duty, I soon realised, was to supervise the pigs while they ate the salads from my work.
The whole time I was thinking that I liked doing this better than counting change out to pretentious bastards with dyed moustaches or making sandwiches for perfume-sopping women who only eat turkey, mayonaise and salt.
After the pigs had finished eating, I was lowered, and allowed to go home. I drove home, but seated myself in the passenger seat, for reasons quite unbeknownst to me. I got to my house and had a shower but it felt like it went on for about an hour, or more.
When I was finished I emerged and was standing in front of a giant mirror, taking up a whole wall, and I noticed an unusual water bubble had grown on my head.
I asked my mother, and she told me it was a 'brain bubble'.
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