Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The coffee smelt like puppy as she raised the ceramic to her lips.
Her aim is true, her message is clear.
She raised the little flap of skin that rested over her mouth, like an eyelid
She took three large sips of coffee, of puppy
That burnt her tongue and swelled it fat and lazy
Lady you do offend the gentlemen
They stand around you eager and pleased to be in your presence
You show them a diamond, a baby, a sock
They swell with pride and glee
But now your tongue has dismantled them.
It has grown enormous, is falling out of your mouth,
Has forced the eyelid flap back into your cheeks, your gums
They bleed and smile at your own grotesquery.
Carnivale, it winks and stinks
Whilst the men, they truly are grounded- into the dirt
They can hardly stand to watch
Your fat tongue
Caressing their heads with saliva setting sail.

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